Below are the necessary attributions and licensure information for this website:
- “Puzzle Heart” logo, by Orun Bhuiyan, CA, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 (we’ve modified it a bit, too, but we want to give credit where it’s due).
- Most other images on this site are licensed from Death to the Stock photo, the best photo repository in the history of Earth.
- This site is built with love, and, especially, with WordPress under GPLv2. That means the software used to build this site, along with every bit of the server-side language used to create the functionality comprising this site (including the custom Genesis theme powering this site, custom plugins written to add various bits of functionality, etc.) inherit that license. It also means that we’re using WordPress free, with permission, and you can too.
- The specific images which inhabit this site, all of its content, and the theme stylesheet are not free to use, and, in fact, cannot be used elsewhere without express written permission from the license-holder, Red Blue Concepts, which has licensed their use here in perpetuity.